UCE Home Page Canvass Home Page

Our Own Church

Why Give to UCE?

How Much Should I Give?

How to Donate

Your Donation Choices

How To Pledge

Pledge Form

Preauthorized Deposits

On-Line Payments

For New Members

Letters and Articles

Transformation 2024

The transformation of Fall This year's Canvass theme is transformation. What transformations have you experienced in your life? The transformation from child to adult, from student to graduate, from single to partnered (or vice versa), the transformation to parent, from working to retired? We have all experienced transformations; some more dramatic than others; some have experienced war and displacement, and some have experienced the supportive transformation of love.

We are fortunate that we have our UCE community to support us in our transformations. But UCE is transforming too. We are transforming into a community that is in covenant, "With love as our guide, we pledge to create a beloved community of peace and compassion." Have you made the transition to the UCE covenant yet? Our covenant contains guidelines for us to follow so that we can support each other in our transitions. As a church we have agreed to make the transformation to our covenant.

UCE Covenant of Right Relations

So how does our covenant affect Canvass? One of covenant guidelines is that we will "Share the ministry of the congregation through our gifts of time, talent and money." I always look forward to seeing your talents as you volunteer for the work of our church. But I also have the distinct pleasure of seeing how you share your money with the church. Watching members transform into generous donors is a great joy. Have you transformed into a generous donor yet?

Canvass runs from January until the end of March each year. During this time, we ask all of our members to pledge their financial support for the coming church year. Your pledge directly affects our budget as we plan for next year's church programs and activities. Please return your pledge before March 31st.

Help us transform into a church of generosity!

Andrew Mills
2024 Canvass

Over the next few months I am going to share thoughts of how we can be here together and support our church. I'll do that through newsletter articles, talks in church, with this canvass web site, and through emails and letters that I will send to our donor members and friends.

          Pledge Now!

Canvass time is when you, the members and friends of the church, tell us what your financial intentions are for the coming year. We need to gather your intentions of support so that we can prepare our annual budgets. Between now and the end of March I will be asking all members (and interested friends) to provide a pledge of financial support which we will use to prepare our budget in the spring.

On this little web site you will find a number of helpful explanations that I don't have space to include elsewhere. It is also where you can find the online pledge form, information on how to set up preauthorized deposits, and information on the on-line payment sites we have set up so that you can pay your pledge.

Why and how much should you give to UCE? I try to answer that question in a couple of articles on this web site.

I also try and post the letters and articles that I use in the canvass here so that you can see what I have sent to people over the course of the campaign.

So please fill out your pledge before the end of March.

Contact me if you have questions

Thank you to www.pexels.com for the free use of their images.

Donate to UCE now through CanadaHelps.org! Paypal Giving Fund