Our Work
The Unitarian Church of Edmonton is a self-supporting institution. Donations are used to pay for staff salaries, programs and all other operating expenses. Contributions from members and friends also pay for the newsletter, church services, and the children’s program. We also pay an annual fee per member to the Canadian Unitarian Council to support national and regional programs. All members have a say in how their money is spent when we pass the budget at the Annual Congregational meeting each spring. Membership in our church brings with it an obligation of financial contribution.
Your Donations
All identified contributions are fully tax deductible. You do not have to be a member of the congregation to make a tax deductible contribution. You can donate:
- Through monthly pre-authorized bank withdrawals
- By electronic transfer to chadmin@uce.ca
- By credit card through Canada Helps
- By debit/credit card or personal PayPal account at PayPal
- By cheque to the church
- To the collection plate at church services
For more information on donations, please contact the Church Administrator by phone at (780) 454-8073 or by email at chadmin@uce.ca.
Annual Canvass – Your Pledge of Support
Each year church members and donors of the church are asked to pledge their financial support for the coming year. Pledges are collected by the end of March and are used in the preparation of the annual church budget.
There is a comprehensive web site that explains all aspects of canvass. Click here or on the canvass theme banner to reach this site.
Planned Giving
Many people support charitable organizations by making a future gift from their estate. A charitable will bequest is a way to direct a gift to the Unitarian Church of Edmonton while providing financial benefits and tax savings for your estate. For further information about planned giving please see our Planned Giving Brochure.