We offer a variety of church sponsored adult programs throughout the year. Most are open to anyone interested and most are free, although occasionally there is a small charge for materials. Courses may be single session or up to seven sessions offered on a weekly basis. Typical topics in the rotation include UU History, UU Theology, Building Your Own Theology, The Bible for Liberals, Our Whole Lives (the adult version of an age appropriate sexuality program for all ages) etc.
Twice a year we also offer a New U orientation class on two consecutive Sundays following the service (a free lunch is included). There are usually a few special forums each year focusing on timely social justice topics either sponsored by the church or co-sponsored with an outside group.
Finally, outside renters also sometimes provide courses and activities where church members are welcome. These include Yoga (Tuesdays morning and evening), Narcotics Anonymous (Saturday evenings), Mandate Sober (Friday evenings) and occasional renters. There is sometimes a charge associated with these outside offerings.
Please sign up for the Edmonton Unitarian newsletter or visit our website regularly for information on upcoming courses.