Social Justice Committee: Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals
Sharing our abundance
The Unitarian Church of Edmonton donates half of the loose cash collected each Sunday to a different charity. Here are some of the organizations we have donated to:

“Hope and Perseverance: 12th Annual Genocide Memorial”
Rev. Audrey Brooks & Guests, July 12, 2020
Hope and Perseverance: Genocide Memorial
Reverend Audrey Brooks, CUC National Service.
This year the theme is “Witness, Hope, Interconnections” We will gather on Zoom, with speakers from countries where people die violent deaths because of intentional attacks against them. We give witness to their names, remembering that unless we do this, they fade into history as nothing. Rabbi David Kunin will speak about the interconnectedness of all of us, as we face current crises in our world.
Vision and Mission Statements (2017)

19 February 2017
The following vision and mission statements were approved by members of the Social Justice Committee on Feb 21, 2016.
The Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Church of Edmonton is committed to and engaged in promoting a just society.
The Social Justice Committee promotes social justice by
- Ensuring that a strong and visible commitment to social justice is central to the purpose, identity, and activity of the church.
- Nurturing a culture, within the church and its many communities, in which social justice is understood, valued, and integrated into the spirit of fellowship within the church; and
- Educating the congregation on issues related to social justice and facilitating participation by members of the congregation in social justice activities.
On January 18, 2015, we agreed to pursue the first two strategic goals listed below. On February 19, 2017, we added the third.
Strategic Goals
- Educating ourselves and the congregation about homelessness and poverty
- Supporting the work of the EndPovertyEdmonton
- Supporting Indigenous actions, as allies, to protect the environment and to promote land rights, social justice, and human rights.
Blanket Exercise
On Sunday, January 14, 2018 the congregation participated in a Blanket Exercise as a special, extended morning service. This service was organized by the Social Justice Working Group and was designed to contribute to the church’s focus on First Nations Spirituality during January and February. Originally developed by Kairos, the Blanket Exercise is an activity that helps participants understand the complicated relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples over the past 500 years. Over 60 people, including many youths, learned or were reminded of the early intent of treaties, the loss of land, the stripping of rights, the forced separation of children from families and, through it all, the extraordinary resilience of Indigenous peoples.
The Blanket Exercise is a step toward gaining the broad understanding we will need to support reconciliation as a congregation and as citizens. We are grateful to Elder Evelyn Day and to Marilyn McSporran and her team from St. Albert Family and Community Support Services and the Michif Cultural and Resource Centre for leading us through the Blanket Exercise.

Social Justice meet on the 2nd Sunday of each month after the Sunday Service. All are welcome to join, just show up!
The Social Justice group attends the Sidewalk Parties at the Hope Mission on the 3rdSunday of each month at 7pm, and you are always welcome to join us!
The next Social Justice Sunday Service will take place on February 24th, in honour of Black History Month. This will also be a Soup Sunday, so we invite you to join us for lunch after the service!
Sunday February 17 falls on the Family Day weekend, and it’s also the date when the Social Justice Committee attends the Sidewalk Party outside the Hope Mission at 7pm. We invite you to join us, and bring your family, for a first-hand look at how poverty and homelessness affect our fellow citizens, and to get to know our neighbours in the inner city. Please bring some food, blankets or winter clothing to share.
The UCE Social Justice group voted unanimously to be a drop off location! Be prepared for there to be a drop off in the church lobby for feminine hygiene products (Tampons, Maxi Pads, Panty Liners, Feminine Treatment Products, Packaged Underwear, Menstrual Cups…) in the month of February.
Please follow Facebook and our website calendar for upcoming events
Here is the link to the 2018 Facebook Event for Unitarians Together with Pride, a great time to show our support and enjoy the Pride Parade:
Our Church and Social Responsibility:
The Principles of Unitarian Universalism speak in several places about our engagement with the wider world. Members and friends of UCE have deep personal commitments to a wide variety of justice and charitable causes. As a whole the church supports several as well.
Social Justice Committee
Our social justice committee takes an active interest in causes and issues of various kinds, such as protection of gay rights. Several UCE members are singers in the Raging Grannies singing group.
Pride Parade on Sat. June 10 2017 was a successful event and heartwarming to see so much support.
Please follow Facebook and our website calendar for upcoming events
Here is the link to the 2018 Facebook Event:
Invitation to the Ninth Annual Genocide Memorial Service,
PHOTO: Unitarians in the Pride Parade