Supporting the Journey

Resilience 2023

March Newsletter

March newsletter.

March is Canvass month. By the end of this month each member of UCE should return a pledge letting us know what they plan to contribute financially to the church for the coming year. If you are a member you are obligated to pledge. So please return your pledge this month. We have mailed out pledge forms with the tax receipts, there are pledge forms in the church, you can pledge online from our website, or you can follow this link and pledge now.

The Soul Matters theme for March is Vulnerability. Yes, our church is financially vulnerable. Our long-time tenant AWWOA is leaving us after 10 years and we are starting the search for a new tenant in a very depressed rental market. That lease is equal to 10% of our church's annual budget, so yes, we are vulnerable.

But I chose Resilience as our Canvass theme as the antithesis of vulnerability. It is through the resilience of our members and their donations of time and money that our church continues to operate. Yes, there will be challenges, but as long as we have dedicated volunteers and donors our church will remain resilient.

Please consider increasing the amount you plan to donate this year; it takes a bit more to run the church each year and cost increases are especially pointed this year.

If you have any questions about your donations to the church or how the church's finances work please contact me at any time. I will be in church every Sunday in March and would be happy to meet with you.

Thank you to our members and generous friends who donate their time and money to keep our church resilient.

Contact me if you have questions

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