Supporting the Journey

Resilience 2023

February Newsletter

February newsletter.

How do we become more resilient?

One way to become more resilient is to maintain financial resilience. We build our financial resilience by working hard to maintain a steady income, we are careful with our spending, and we set aside savings to help protect our future. Resilience protects from the unknown storms.

Keeping our church financially resilient works much the same way. We are careful with our spending by preparing and following an annual budget. We set aside savings for the future, such as the recently successful endowment fundraiser. And we work hard to maintain a steady income, through rentals, fundraisers, casinos, and canvass. Your support of our annual canvass provides the income that is vital to the resilience of our church.

Our church supports our resilience in other ways. I think that our emotional resilience needs the support of family, friends, and our church. We need a supportive community that shares our achievements and setbacks and supports us when needed. Our church is part of our emotional resilience.

So let's continue to provide the support that our church needs to be resilient. Please give generously to the work of our church.

Canvass runs from January until the end of March each year. During this time, we ask all of our members (and generous friends) to pledge their financial support for the coming church year. Your pledge directly affects our budget as we plan for next year's church programs and activities. Please return your pledge form before March 31st.

Thank you for supporting the work of your church!

Contact me if you have questions

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